Monday, 6 October 2014

Marumofase High School Limpopo Reflection 9 – 19 – 14

Marumofase High School Limpopo Reflection 9 – 19 – 14

            On Friday, September 19, 2014 the AISJ students stayed afterschool from 3:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. to prepare and meet the arriving Limpopo students. We began the preparation time from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. promptly. In this allotted time, we made we made encouragement cards for the Limpopo seniors entering into their matric exams. In addition, we prepped and organized the food and the location in which to place it. Then, at 5:00 p.m. the Limpopo students arrived, where the AISJ students met and greeted them in the parking lot, eager to show them around the school and make them feel at home. The AISJ campus tour consisted of: the gym, library, HS11, kgoro cafeteria, and pool. In that time, we were able to socialize and get reacquainted with some of the students we remembered from last year. Also, we escorted them to the cafeteria to pick up some dinner and enjoyed the kgoro dining facility. While the Limpopo students ate, the AISJ students excused themselves to set up the movie that was going to be featured in the HS11 classroom. At this time, the AISJ students departed to get some rest and be fresh for the new day.
            Again, emphasis should be placed on the importance of collaboration between the AISJ and Limpopo students to make this a successful and fruitful project. I feel that one strengths during this project was my ability to communicate effectively, while I conducted the AISJ campus tour for the Limpopo students. Personally, an area for growth, I should focus on is working in groups. Since, I am an independent worker. Skills that I’ve developed during this visit is personality, and being able to be more outgoing and friendly to these returning Limpopo students.    

            My personal insights while I was giving the Limpopo students the tour of our campus, was that they were excited, curious, and was ready for the big event. My personal thoughts were that I was proud to give a tour of my school. In comparison to last years meet and greet with the Limpopo students, I feel the progression of the schedule flowed well and was more organized in all aspects. Thus, I feel the AISJ students were able to rectify several of the issues that we identified last year to enhance this year’s visit. No conflict occurred. Our immediate future goals were centralized around the forthcoming day with the writing workshops for the Limpopo students.  

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