Sunday, 5 October 2014

JOMUN XII GA3 Opening Speeches Notes

GA3 Opening Speeches Notes
·      Singapore
o   Delighted to be a part of this conference
o   Education, health care, preserving traditional languages and culture
o   Adequate access to sanitation and water
o   Definition for necessity
o   Low literacy rate
o   Good education allows the person to progress in their lives
o   K-12 education needed
·      Somalia
o   Finding solutions that match both delegates and citizens
o   Preserving traditional language
o   Adequate access to sanitation and water
o   Africa is a growing continent with promising starts
·      Switzerland
o   Realizing importance of access to health care, and water
o   Wants to focus on education
o   Education needs to be set up to allow all people access to enrich and better their lives
·      Turkey
o   Preserving traditional African languages/cultures in the growth of the modern world
o   K-12 public education systems in developing cultures
·      Uganda
o   Issues plague the African countries
o   Issue of affordable healthcare
o   Access to healthcare
·      Uruguay
o   K-12 education in developing countries
o   Improving healthcare in Africa
o   As Uruguay’s healthcare is good and efficient
o   Access to clean drinking water and sanitation is important as they are big problem in Africa but yet necessary to live.
·      Venezuela
o   Major impact on African continent
o   Education systems in developing countries
o   Health and communicable diseases represent 88% of the deaths in Africa
o   Concrete solutions to this issue
o   Rapid globalizations
o   234 African languages have already disappeared
o   Worrying statistics 340 million Africans don’t have access to clean water and sanitation
·      Unites States of America
o   Rural and isolated areas
o   Want to offer its assistance for mobile schools, textbooks, school supplies, and health center’s
·      Zimbabwe
o   All member states should work together to save lives
o   780 million people on planet live without clean drinking water
o   Widely spread issue in the continent of Africa
o   Critical situation
o   Must be well educated to go far in life
·      Angola
o   Recovering form 40 year long war
o   HIV suffering from due to lack of health care and trained professionals
o   Better the lives of many
o   Prepared to contribute
·      Brazil
o   Healthcare and education are important to the advancement of Africa
·      Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
o   Education must be improved
o   Emphasizes to bring the K-12 education to African countries and integrating them into traditional languages/cultures
·      Denmark
o   Implementing adequate healthcare, instating K-12 education systems throughout Africa
o   Must be instated with utmost urgency
o   Deserve an equal opportunity
·      Djibouti
o   Building more latrines, wells, and health centers are needed to provide access to clean water, and sanitation.
·      Republic of Ecuador
o   Doesn’t have sufficient education
o   Wants to implement this effectively and financially conservative
o   Culture is one of the most precious aspects of history and must remain constant within the African continents
·      Egypt
o   21st century solutions in Africa
o   Poverty, conflict, and disease
o   Africa’s continent is rich in minerals despite the disparities
o   Growth and freedom
o   “It always seems impossible until its done” quoted Nelson Mandela
·      Ethiopia
o   Wants to focus specifically on education
o   No access to clean water results in multiple preventable diseases
·      Eritrea
o   Concerned with the lack of K-12 education in African developing countries
o   Risking literary rates
o   Threat of communicable and non-communicable diseases caused due to a lack of clean sanitation and access to drinking water
·      France
o   Building schools to allow all to learn
o   Intergrading cultural values and knowledge into modern ideas
·      Ghana
o   Sustainable growth
o   Ebola in West Africa is an example of a disease enhanced by poor sanitation
·      Guatemala
o   Education is essential to the development of a counties economy
o   Can be helped by MEDC’s governments
·      Hungary
·      Indonesia
·      Iraq
o   Healthcare is a universal right
o   Realistic solutions at the problems at hand
o   Especially in consideration of the healthcare problems
·      Israel
o   Education reduces poverty
·      Mauritius
·      Netherlands
·      Nigeria
o   Constructive debate
o   Hopefully solves these issues permanently
·      Republic of South Korea
o   Time and money are needed to resolve these issues
·      Panama

·      Russia

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