XII Reflection 9 – 27 – 14
On Saturday, September 27, 2014, the
second day of the JOMUN XII Conference, another day of journalism began. First,
I attended the general assembly 6 (GA6) lobbying and discussion of the freedom
of information through various media types in African countries. Johannesburg
Model United Nations united to determine and implement a way in which all
African have the availability to access free, truthful, and unbiased
information on current events both nationally and internationally. Also, I
accepted an additional task of writing another article, because one of my press
team members was busy working on the layout of “JOMUNATION.” Thus, I sat in the
ECOSOC committee room, took notes, and listened carefully to the heated debate
of the technological divide between African countries as LEDCs and MEDCs to
sift out the pertinent information to apply it to my article. In addition, I
expanded my skills by volunteering to add pictures of the day onto the Facebook
page for JOMUN XII.
Both the ECOSOC and GA6 were
engaging in topics of global importance with ethical implication. Having the opportunity
to sit in, observe, and digest the information I was able to further my
knowledge of global issues, the sensitivity surrounding them, and the proposed
resolutions to them. This general knowledge gives me to interact globally and
know how to ethically speak regarding controversial issues. Therefore, I feel I’ve
gained strength in my personal character and knowledge. I am committed to JOMUN
XII and accepting the extra task gave me yet another challenge I took with
pride. This is shown through my work.
The Press Team experienced some limitations
due to the lack of participants and the heavy workload on all the members. We
were challenged with getting all the articles and photographs into the
JOMUNATION on time allowing us to print and distribute the JOMUN newspaper to
all the delegates. This in turn, only made us stronger and come together as a
unit to fulfill each task. This particular scenario mirrors last year’s JOMUN
XI, so it is relatable. In the future, we could resolve this problem by having
strict deadline in which turn in articles and photographs with a working
layout. Furthermore, a necessary time interval must be set aside to accomplish
each task effectively and efficiently. Time management is important in everyday
life and can be applied to every situation, especially college.
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