Monday, 6 October 2014

Marumofase High School Limpopo Visits! Izindaba Article September 19 - 21, 2014

Marumofase High School Limpopo Visits!
Izindaba Article
September 19 – 21, 2014

            The American International School of Johannesburg (AISJ) started preparing for our visit from the Marumofase Limpopo School. The preparation began Mid-August until their arrival on September 19, 2014. The preparation included: housing accommodations, eating arrangements, pool party, braai, movie, writing workshops, project dignity presentation, and AISJ campus tour. The MarumofaseStudents stayed for 3 days from Friday, September 19 through Sunday, September 21. The itinerary that the AISJ students and staff planned for the Marumofase students ran smoothly.
The Marumofase students arrived on Friday around 5:00 p.m. and quickly found their accommodations for their sleeping arrangement on the AISJ campus. Upon meeting and greeting the returning Limpopo students, the AISJ students conducted a campus tour to get them acquainted with common areas. Followed by dinner and a movie at the AISJ cafeteria. This concludes their first day. On Saturday at 8:30 a.m. the Limpopo students were presented with a Project Dignity presentation discussing controversial issues regarding sex education. Lunch at AISJ and then the start of writing workshops to revise and edit their ‘born-free generation’ short stories began. This time was spent taking pictures, making the final touches on their stories, and discussing the future plans of the published book. The AISJ students have set a preliminary date for published sometime in January the second semester 2015. This was then, followed by a continuation of a debrief and reflection. Finally, time for a little fun. The bathing suits were put on, the pool was open, refreshments were available, and the fun was beginning. Exhausted and fulfilled the Marumofase students returned back to their sleeping quarters for a nights rest.
On Sunday, the Marumofase students ate breakfast at AISJ and departed to Limpopo at 7:00 a.m after a fruitful and productive visit. We wish the Limpopo seniors the best of luck on the matric exams.
At this time the AISJ staff and students would like to thank the Marumofase students for such a rewarding visit. We are extremely grateful for them to share their experiences and stories with us, and we cannot wait until their publication. We would like to thank everyone who took part in making this happen, as we know this took a tremendous amount of time, effort, and cooperation to make this event successful. Shoutouts to Mr. Sheblak who tirelessly helps each awaiting Limpopo student and provides assistance to the AISJ students on writing techniques. Thanks to Coach Funky we are provided with this wonderful international opportunity to connect with others from different cultures. We all have some great memories to share. Thanks to Ms. Murgues organization and planning ran smoothly with her calm exterior and level mind. Thanks to Project Dignity for their insightful and interactive presentation that we’ve all gained from. Thanks again to all participating members. I know we all had fun in the process, learned some, were humbled some, and can’t wait for the next visit.

Written by Enya Calibuso
Communication’s Officer of the Limpopo Service Project

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