Name: Enya Calibuso
Project: Marumofase High School Limpopo
Date: 5 September 2013
I chose to join Marumofase High School Limpopo because; I’ve
always been interest in helping other and being a mentor. My skills are being a
great communicator and a patient teacher. My talents are excellent reading skills
that can offer the students guidance and feedback on how to improve their
Learning Outcomes:
have considered the ethical implications of my actions on
the students in Limpopo that I will be tutoring. I will respect our
differences. I will use the time given wisely and efficiently so that I can
enhance their lives as much as possible. I will help the students develop great
reading skills by focusing on their comprehension levels. Thus, fostering their
writing skills. The final reward from all the hard work and dedication put into
this project from each individual will be a published book. The book topic is
the student’s life stories. Tutoring the students in their reading and writing
skills contributes to fulfilling the action section of my CAS requirements.
Service is volunteering my time to aid less fortunate students on the English
language. I will be assisting where necessary. This contributes to fulfilling
the service section of my CAS requirements.
project would complete my Action and Service sections of CAS.
Currently meetings are being held with other AISJ student to
prepare lessons. Throughout my visit in Limpopo I will be taking a variety of photos
of the children. I will be working in small groups to gather their written
pages, and to guide them within each lesson based on the information needed. I
have no previous experience with this project. My role in Marumofase High
School Limpopo is to assist in the development of a book. My responsibilities
are to help the students improve both their reading and writing skills through
I step outside my comfort zone into a new experience,
because Marumofase High School Limpopo is located in an unfamiliar and foreign
environment. I will be volunteering my weekend to accomplish these tasks. There
is opportunity for me to critically reflect on learning outcomes and personal
learning through this activity, because of the hand-on approach to learning. I
am able to stretch myself beyond what I perceive as my limits, because of the
rigorous IB workload and extracurricular activities. This is not a sure thing;
I do have to learn to cope with downfalls that have real world consequences,
because errors may occur in the planning process that leads to set backs. I
will be a positive role model that fosters civic responsibility, by behaving as
a compassionate, patient leader.
Mr. Funky Ralethe
Ms. Chris Fazenbaker
Ms. Brenda Goldberg
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