Tuesday, 17 September 2013

CAS Retreat Proposal

For this activity our learning outcomes are “working collaboratively with others” and “planning and initiating new activities.” This activity is primarily service and creativity. In our group Eilif will be our group leader, coordinating the people and leading the communication between the children and us. Anjali will be in charge of getting the children from one station to the next promptly. Neringa will be in charge of clean up, but clearly all of us will help as it will be a big and messy job because of the paint. Raquel and I will be in charge of getting and returning the supplies to Ms. Barton. The activity we will have the children do is to paint the big 5 on A3 sheets of paper. We will have three pictures per rotation, with three different groups. We will divide ourselves between the groups to help direct and facilitate. This activity is planning and initiating because we have to make a plan ahead of time to know what to do at Sunnyside and we will then have to facilitate the activity. It is working collaboratively with others because we must work together in the group to plan and facilitate, and we must work with the children to do the activity. This activity is creative, because we will be painting and doing art. It is service because we will be working with children who would not ordinarily have the opportunity to paint and it caters to an interest in the children to be creative.

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