Friday, 6 September 2013

Afrika Tikkun (UMOJA) Project IB/CAS Proposal

IB/CAS Proposal

Candidate Name: Enya Calibuso

Activity/Project: Afrika Tikkun (UMOJA) Project

Date: 5 September 2013

I chose to join Afrika Tikkun because I’ve always been interested in working and tutoring children, and starting a book club. My skills are communication, planning and organizing, and writing.

Targeted Learning Outcomes:
I have planned and initiated a new activity – Reading Groups. My previous experience for Afrika Tikkun is one year of tutoring. This will make it easier, to choose a grade level to work with, the territory is familiar, and I have great backgrounds to work off which will enhance my progress with the reading groups.

This project would complete my Creativity and Service section of CAS.

Activity Description:
I would choose an age group appropriate for the books that are offered at the community center library. We would sit in groups of three to four children per tutor and read. My role is to assist in sounding out words, pronunciation, and distinguishing vowels and consonants. My responsibility is to review what they read, so the students can comprehend the story. Show the pictures in the book. Then, to have small discussions to ensure their general understanding of what was going on in the story. There will be time allotted for questions.

This is no long stepping out of my comfort zone due to my volunteer history at Afrika Tikkun. There is opportunity for me to critically reflect on learning outcomes and personal learning through this activity, because I will find flaws within my own system. I will rectify these problems to ensure a smooth reading group next week. I am able to stretch myself beyond what I perceive as my limits, because of the rigorous IB workload and extracurricular activities. This is not a sure thing, I do have to learn to cope with downfalls that have real world consequences, because every student is different and learns at a difference pace. There may be behavioral, concentration, communication issues. I must to ready to know how to handle each of these situations. I will be a positive role model that fosters civic responsibility, by being timely, doing the work that I promised the students, and sharing laughter and humor along with compassion.

Supervising Adults:

Mr. Juan Sheblak

CAS Coordinator:
Ms. Brenda Goldberg

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