Friday, 6 September 2013

Johannesburg Model United Nations (JOMUN) IB/CAS Proposal

IB/CAS Proposal

Candidate Name: Enya Calibuso

Activity/Project: Johannesburg Model United Nations (JOMUN)

Date: 5 September 2013

I chose to join JOMUN because; I’ve always been interested in international relations and global problems. My skill level is a beginner/novice. My talent is fast typing.  

Targeted Learning Outcomes:
I have worked collaboratively with others of the JOMUN press team. I will contribute to writing articles on the events of the days. These articles will go into the finished product – JOMUN newspaper – at the end of the three-day conference, along with other articles from other journalists. I am engaged in issues of global importance through JOMUN by researching the new topic “Promoting Sustainable Solutions in Africa,” included sustainable farming in Africa, Finding ways to eradicating systemic governmental corruption, Women’s economic empowerment, and developing economic partnerships between LEDC’s and MEDC’s. I am a novice in JOMUN, therefore; this experience is allowing me to expand. I will develop new skills in listening and note taking, summarizing, and producing a final written newspaper for all to see. This would enhance my writing skills in school.

This activity would complete my Creativity section of CAS.

Activity Description:
Currently we are in the planning stage assigning tasks for each press member. Each press member will know their location and place to take notes and create an article based on the delegations to take place. Then, the press member would draft the material to be published into the newspaper. My role in JOMUN is to be a columnist. My responsibilities include note taking, background context, correct facts, and composing gathered information into one article for the JOMUN newspaper.

There is opportunity for me to critically reflect on my learning outcomes and personal learning through this activity. I am able to stretch myself beyond what I perceive as my limits, because of the rigorous IB workload and extracurricular activities. This is not a sure thing, I do have to learn to cope with downfalls that have real world consequences, because I may not always agree on the perspective of other and I am still required to write the article in a neutral informative tone. I will be a positive role model that fosters civic responsibility, by making poster to engage students on the activities taking place in JOMUN. 

Supervising Adult:

Ms. Deanne Slattery

Ms. Robyn Spicer

CAS Coordinator:

Ms. Brenda Goldberg

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