Reflection 1 – 12 – 15
On Monday, January 12, 2015 Shumbashaba Service
Project began to prepare our walk-through video for the Grade 9 & 10
Service Learning Launch that is scheduled on Tuesday, January 20. Michael Maree
was the photographer, while each of the Shumbashaba members explained our tasks
in this service. I briefly spoke about how we interacted with the horses and
how important they are for the disabled. The tasks I spoke of range from:
grooming, feeding, cleaning, and basic medical needs such as temperatures and
insect repellent. Then the team collaborated together to discuss formatting. We
decided a walk-through would be most informative. Every member pays special
attention to proofreading the video to ensure that it is educational and
insightful into our involvement with Shumbashaba. This video is to advertise
Shumbashaba and recruit new members at the Grand 9 & 10 Service Learning
Launch. New members would ensure this service project is sustainable and that
AISJ is actively involved in the coming years.
A learning moment that I came to a realization
is that there are many volunteer opportunities in many areas. Therefore, we had
to be very colorful in our wording, and enticing as to the gain and the
benefits for both Shumbashaba and the volunteer. Within the video we had to
portray the sensitivity and ethical implications of working with service horses
and the disabled. Thus, while volunteering caring and professionalism is needed
at all times. By making this video, our team was able to share many of our
learning moments and experiences to the audience of potential volunteers. We
are hoping that we will be able to transfer our learned knowledge of working
with horses and volunteering at Shumbashaba to inspire, challenge, and educated
the new members. Our future goals are to recruit as many new members as
possible to maintain the sustainability of the Shumbashaba Service Project,
since the seniors will be graduating.
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