Sunday, 15 February 2015

Marumofase High School Limpopo Reflection 2 – 4 – 15

Marumofase High School Limpopo Reflection 2 – 4 – 15

            On Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Raquel Wilson and I volunteered to participate and represent the Marumofase High School Limpopo Service Project in the 9th and 10th Grade Service Launch. The Service Launch is an hour and a half afterschool in which we present the mission of our service project and encourage others to join. In turn, this would make the Limpopo service project sustainable. A PowerPoint was created by Maya Campbell, and I made a service video of our experiences meeting and working with the Limpopo students. Raquel and I presented the presentation containing these two materials to groups of ten in three sessions. We reviewed in great detail what the Limpopo Service project consists of and what was expected of those who joined. Additionally, we spoke of the amount of time would need to be dedicated to this project, the places we would travel, and gave them a vision of the progress of the book and the soon to come publishing of the book. To finalize the service presentation we encouraged the students to stop by during Wednesday lunch meetings to inquire or to sit in to one of our sessions. We would hope that they would be interested in joining the Marumofase High School Limpopo. 
            At this point in the school year with my commitment to the service project I have honed all my writing, communicating, and collaborative skills efficiently and effectively. By participating in this Limpopo Service Project this has given me tools to go forth on many more exciting community volunteer services.

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