Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Shumbashaba Horses Helping People Proposal

IB/CAS Proposal

Candidate Name: Enya Calibuso

Activity/Project: Shumbashaba Horses Helping People

Date: 23 January 2013

Intro: I chose to join Shumbashaba because; I’ve always loved working and volunteering with animals’ great and small. My skill level working with horses is beginner/novice; however, I would love the opportunity to fulfill my goal. The college profession that I plan on pursuing is zoology. My talent is being compassionate, caring, and patient with animals.

Targeted Learning Outcomes:
By working with the Shumbashaba horses, I will be undertaking a new challenge in all aspects of caring and working around horses. I have only ridden horses a few times on trails. By volunteering my time at Shumbashaba, I am hoping to develop new skills and understandings of horses, especially the healing powers they offer to humans. I feel I have a need in all areas dealing with horses for growth, which in return will give me the ability to know where my strengths and weaknesses are.
This activity will complete my Action and Service section of CAS.

Activity Description:
My role at Shumbashaba will be working hand in hand with a skilled horse professional. Therefore, I will assist and aid where needed. Also, I will learn new tasks at the same time. My responsibilities will include caring for the horses such as: mucking their stalls, feeding, and brushing them down.

There is an opportunity for me to learn a new skill, while helping people and the horses. This will allow me to personally grow in this large animal field, which will enhance and contribute to my future goal as a zoologist. I will be a positive role model and I will foster and assist with responsibilities dealing with the horses.

Supervising Adult:
Mrs. Maree

CAS Coordinator:
Ms. Deanne Slattery

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